Viel Zauber um Harry : Die Welt der Joanne K. Rowling (3551351074)

Working with Angels : Flowing with God in the Supernatural (9780768425116)

We must work with angels to fulfill God's plan on the earth.

The ministry of angels is being restored in the Church. If you are praying for a higher level of spiritual experience, angels are waiting to welcome you to a realm that will bring you closer to your Lord. This book will lead you toward your goal with biblical truths and real-life, personal experiences.

Discover the striking similarities between angels and horses, as well as the answers to these questions:

Are you a war horse or a show horse? Have you lost the key to victory? How does God rank angels, demons, and humans? What is the "slipstream of Heaven"? Do you have a personal angel?

Working hand in hand with God's angels, you can draw closer to Jesus and see Him build His Kingdom through you!

Product details

  • Paperback | 204 pages
  • 152 x 224 x 14.48mm | 344.73g
  • Shippensburg, United States
  • English
  • 0768425115
  • 9780768425116
  • 417,572

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