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Lingua Latina - Sermones Romani : Ad usum discipulorum (9781585101955)

Presented via the natural method by Hans Orberg, Sermones Romani allows introductory students to read lightly altered Latin texts. Through his innovative system of marginal notes, Hans Orberg introduces the reader to the language and thought of ancient Rome through short readings by Cicero, Tacitus, Martial and others. Sermones Romani can be read immediately following Orberg's first year elementary text, Familia Romana (Lingua Latina Pars I), also available from Focus.

Product details

  • Paperback | 80 pages
  • 178 x 229 x 5.08mm | 173g
  • MA, United States
  • Latin
  • Abridged
  • abridged ed
  • drawings and maps
  • 1585101958
  • 9781585101955
  • 409,328

Download Lingua Latina - Sermones Romani : Ad usum discipulorum (9781585101955).pdf, available at for free.

