Viel Zauber um Harry : Die Welt der Joanne K. Rowling (3551351074)

The College Lecture Today : An Interdisciplinary Defense for the Contemporary University (9781793602268)

In an age of online education and educational philosophies like "flipping the classroom," does the lecture have any role in today's university? Drawing from the humanities and social sciences and from a range of different types of schools, The College Lecture Today makes the affirmative case for the lecture in the humanities and social and political sciences. These essays explore how to lecture without sacrificing theoretical knowledge.

Product details

  • Hardback | 196 pages
  • 158 x 239 x 21mm | 481g
  • Lanham, MD, United States
  • English
  • Illustrations, unspecified; Tables
  • 1793602263
  • 9781793602268

Download The College Lecture Today : An Interdisciplinary Defense for the Contemporary University (9781793602268).pdf, available at for free.

