Viel Zauber um Harry : Die Welt der Joanne K. Rowling (3551351074)

Politics and Economics in Putin's Russia (9781365518430)

The papers included here, except for the editor's introduction, all come from the Strategic Studies Institute's annual conference on Russia in May 2012. In one way or another, they all point to the internal pathologies that render Russian security a precarious affair, at the best of times. As the editor suggests, the very fact of this precariousness makes Russia an inherently unpredictable and even potentially dangerous actor, not necessarily because it will actively attack its neighbors, though we certainly cannot exclude that possibility, but rather because it may come apart trying to play the role of a great power in Eurasia or elsewhere. As we all know, that outcome happened in 1917 and in 1989-91, with profound implications for international security and U.S. interests.

Product details

  • Paperback | 220 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 12.95mm | 331.12g
  • Morrisville, United States
  • English
  • 1365518434
  • 9781365518430

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